Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Poems

"The Reason"

'Tis the season to be jolly
with garlands and with holly
with boughs of evergreen and the smell of cinnamon
You ring in the new year with the ending of a season
a season in which we all give
It's the music and the laughter
the joys and the here after
the tales you tell of Christmas past
It's the giving of the season and the knowing what's the reason
It's not Mr. Saint Nicholas himself
No, not that jolly old elf
It's a baby born so long ago
in a stable that we'll never know
Oh, so humble in the starting
to carry such a following
and though it was not around yuletide
we still celebrate it at this time
It's become a day for sharing and merry making
A day for love and for joy
It's not boxes of shiny wrappings or toys or silly gifts
Oh, it is far, far more than all of this
We all celebrate for different reasons and hold to our unique traditions
We all hold onto our inner child
So, be happy and be merry and wish tidings of great joy
for the birth of a Savior, a sweet innocent young boy


"Christmas Wish"

I wish each Christmas for the same thing
Have I found it ever beneath the tree?
No, it's a magical thing never wrapped
and once you find it there's no turning back
Christmas, oh Christmas, I wish every time
and hold in my heart visions of the divine
Since I was little I wanted one thing
but it's never found beneath the tree
It won't be presented in ribbons or bows
and it's coming, well, no one knows
Christmas, oh Christmas, you come once a year
perhaps this time, my wish shall be clear

By Elizabeth Azpurua

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