Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Silenced Deep Down

"Deep Down"

One of these days
I’m going to explode
I don’t want to be here
When I battle against them
All of their chains upon me
All of their walls around me
They want to shun me now
Stuff me into a hole deep down
All of the illusionists there
They don’t happen to care
Where they spin their tales
Pervasive; hearts have failed
One of these days
I’m going to erupt
I don’t want to be here
When I wage war against them
All of their ropes upon me
And their fortress around me
They want to shut me out
Stuff me into a hole deep down
Saying I am an ailment in their side
Like a poison dart I’m opening wide
All of their false and wrong insides
Tell me why must we all hide?
Let it all out – I’m erupting
Time to call out this farce
Here I go now – exploding
Level them out; it’s sparse
Nothing left now that’s false
Bury ‘em down…
Or they will stuff me in hole deep down



“Silenced Songbird”

Am I diseased or crazy?
Perhaps I’m mad and touched
They never want to hear me
Tell me stand there and hush
They want to marvel at my beauty
But I mustn’t make a sound
When did it happen that the songbird
Cannot sing aloud?
Struck with envy
Struck with greed
They are yanking feathers off of me
And they want me – never freed
To be silent
Am I diseased or crazy?
Perhaps I’m a fool for all of them
They never want to hear me
They want me beautifully broken
I should like to sing so loud their ears bleed
They are sick with envy corrupted by greed
Plucking my feathers one by one
I am through with silence
I am done


By: Elizabeth Azpurua

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